Thursday, February 22, 2024

Steps to Easily Add an Instagram Widget to Your WordPress Website

Instagram is a platform known for its visually stunning content, and by integrating your Instagram feed into your WordPress site, you can instantly enhance its visual appeal. By displaying your high-quality photos and videos, you can captivate your visitors and make a lasting impression. with the power of Instagram, you can showcase your visually appealing content and engage your website visitors with stunning photos and videos. By adding an Instagram widget, you can seamlessly integrate your Instagram feed onto your WordPress site, making it more interactive and dynamic.

No coding skills? No problem! We've got you covered. Our easy-to-follow instructions will walk you through the process, from creating your Instagram widget to installing it on your WordPress site. Whether you're a seasoned WordPress user or a beginner, our guide caters to all skill levels.

So, if you're ready to take your WordPress site to the next level and transform it into a visual showcase, let's dive in and learn how to add an Instagram widget in just a few simple steps.

Step 1: Choosing a suitable Instagram widget plugin

The first step in adding an Instagram widget for WordPress Website is to choose a suitable Instagram widget plugin. There some options are available, each with its own set of features and customization options. Here are a few popular choices:

Instagram Feed: This plugin allows you to display your Instagram feed in a customizable grid or carousel format. It offers various layout options and customization settings to match your website's design. 

Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed: With this plugin, you can easily add an Instagram widget to your WordPress site. It offers a user-friendly interface and a range of customization options, including the ability to display multiple Instagram feeds.

Feed Them Social: This plugin not only allows you to add an Instagram widget but also supports other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It offers a wide range of customization options and is compatible with various WordPress themes.

Once you've chosen a suitable plugin, you're ready to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Installing and activating the plugin on your WordPress site

To install and activate the chosen Instagram widget plugin on your WordPress site, follow these simple steps:  

Access your WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress site and navigate to the Dashboard.

Go to the Plugins section: In the left-hand menu, click on "Plugins" and then select "Add New".

Search for the plugin: In the search bar, enter the name of the Instagram widget plugin you've chosen.

Install the plugin: Once you've found the plugin, click on the "Install Now" button next to it. WordPress will automatically download and install the plugin.

Activate the plugin: To enable the plugin on your WordPress website, click the "Activate" button once the installation is finished.

Congratulations! You've successfully installed and activated the Instagram widget plugin. Now it's time to connect your Instagram account to the plugin.

Step 3: Connecting your Instagram account to the widget plugin

To connect your Instagram account to the widget plugin, follow these steps:

Access the plugin settings: In your WordPress Dashboard, go to the "Settings" section and click on the "Instagram Widget" or "Instagram Feed" option.

Click on the "Connect Instagram Account" button: This will redirect you to the Instagram login page. Enter your Instagram username and password to log in.

Authorize the plugin: After logging in, you'll be prompted to authorize the plugin to access your Instagram account. Click on the "Authorize" or "Allow" button to grant permission.

Copy the access token: Once authorized, you'll be redirected back to your WordPress site. Copy the access token provided by the plugin.

Paste the access token: Go back to the plugin settings page and paste the access token into the designated field.

By connecting your Instagram account to the widget plugin, you've established a link between your WordPress site and your Instagram profile. Now it's time to customize the appearance and settings of the Instagram widget.

Step 4: Customizing the appearance and settings of the Instagram widget

The appearance and settings of your Instagram widget can be customized to match your website's design and meet your specific requirements. Here's how you can do it:

Access the plugin settings: In your WordPress Dashboard, go to the "Settings" section and click on the "Instagram Widget" or "Instagram Feed" option.

Explore the customization options: Depending on the chosen plugin, you'll find various customization options such as layout, number of columns, image size, caption display, and more. Take your time to explore these options and configure them according to your preferences.

Preview the changes: Most plugins offer a preview feature that allows you to see how the Instagram widget will look on your site. Use this feature to ensure that the customization changes align with your vision.

Save the settings: Once you're satisfied with the customization, click on the "Save" or "Update" button to save the changes.

By customizing the appearance and settings of the Instagram widget, you can ensure that it seamlessly integrates with your WordPress site's design and enhances its overall aesthetic.

Step 5: Adding the Instagram widget to your WordPress site

Now that you've created and customized your Instagram widget, it's time to add it to your WordPress site. Follow these steps:

Access the widget settings: In your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to the "Appearance" section and click on "Widgets".

Locate the Instagram widget: Depending on the plugin you've installed, you may find the Instagram widget listed as "Instagram Feed" or "Instagram Widget". Locate it among the available widgets.

Drag and drop the widget: Drag the Instagram widget from the available widgets section and drop it into the desired widget area on your site. Common widget areas include the sidebar, footer, or header.

Configure the widget settings: Once the widget is in place, you can configure its settings, such as the number of photos/videos to display, the order of display, and more. You can adjust these settings to suit your tastes.

Save the widget settings: After configuring the widget settings, click on the "Save" or "Update" button to save the changes. 

Congratulations! You've successfully added the Instagram widget to your WordPress site. Now it's time to test and optimize the widget for optimal performance.

Step 6: Testing and optimizing the Instagram widget

To ensure that your Instagram widget is functioning as desired, follow these steps:

View your WordPress site: Visit your WordPress site and navigate to the page where you added the Instagram widget.

Check the widget display: Verify that the Instagram widget is displayed correctly and that it aligns with your chosen customization settings.

Test the widget functionality: Interact with the widget by clicking on the photos/videos, liking, and commenting. Ensure that the widget redirects users to the respective Instagram posts and functions smoothly.

Optimize widget performance: If you notice any performance issues or inconsistencies, revisit the plugin settings and make necessary adjustments. Experiment with different customization options to find the optimal configuration.

By thoroughly testing and optimizing your Instagram widget, you can ensure that it provides a seamless and engaging experience for your website visitors.

Troubleshooting common issues with Instagram widgets

While adding an Instagram widget to your WordPress site is generally a straightforward process, you may encounter some common issues along the way. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

Plugin compatibility: Ensure that the Instagram widget plugin you've chosen is compatible with your WordPress version and other installed plugins. Incompatibility can lead to functionality issues.

Access token expiration: If your Instagram widget suddenly stops working, it may be due to an expired access token. Reconnect your Instagram account to the plugin and obtain a new access token.

Data caching: Some plugins cache Instagram data to improve performance. If you're not seeing the latest posts in your widget, clear the plugin's cache or adjust the cache settings.

Instagram API changes: Instagram periodically updates its API, which can affect the functionality of third-party plugins. Stay up to date with plugin updates and ensure compatibility with the latest Instagram API version.

If you're still experiencing issues with your Instagram widget, consider reaching out to the plugin developer's support team for assistance.


In conclusion, adding an Instagram widget to your WordPress site can greatly enhance its visual appeal, increase user engagement, and provide social proof of your online presence. By following the six simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add an Instagram widget to your WordPress site, regardless of your technical expertise. Remember to choose a suitable plugin, connect your Instagram account, customize the widget's appearance, and test its functionality to ensure optimal performance. So, why wait? Take your WordPress site to the next level by integrating your Instagram feed and creating a dynamic and interactive online presence.

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